
Free Access to Information

The Technical University of Košice (hereinafter referred to as "TUKE"), as a public institution established by law, in accordance with § 5 of Act No. 211/2000 Coll. on Free Access to Information and on Amendments and Supplements to Certain Acts (Freedom of Information Act), publishes the following information:

The Technical University of Košice was established by Government Regulation No. 30/1952 Coll. on certain changes in the organization of universities, effective from 1st September 1952, as the Technical University in Košice. Based on Act No. 94/1991 Coll., effective from 1st April 1991, its name was changed to Technical University of Košice. Currently, the Technical University of Košice, based on Act No. 131/2002 Coll. on Higher Education Institutions and on Amendments and Supplements to Certain Acts, as amended, is a public higher education institution.

Information about the establishment of TUKE, its powers, competencies, and the description of its organizational structure is published in the Statute of TUKE, the Organizational Order of TUKE, and the Organizational Order of the Rector's Office of TUKE under the Basic Internal Regulations of TUKE.

Information about the establishment of TUKE's faculties, their powers, competencies, and a description of their organizational structure is published in the statutes of the individual faculties.

Information on where and how to obtain information, i.e., where to submit requests, proposals, complaints, or other submissions, information on the place, deadline, and method of submitting an appeal, and the possibility of judicial review of TUKE's decisions, including the requirements that must be met, the procedure for processing information access requests, including deadlines, sample documents, as well as the fee schedule, is contained in TUKE's internal regulation – P/TUKE/SPI/09 dated 15th December 2009, "Free Access to Information" and its attachments.

An overview of other regulations, instructions, external, and internal documentation followed by the Technical University of Košice (TUKE) is published in the Quality Management System Documentation.
Lists of valid internal documentation issued within the quality management system:

Information about real property and movable property, the acquisition cost of which exceeded 20 times the minimum wage, owned by TUKE, and which TUKE has transferred to the ownership of another person or authority, which TUKE is required to publish according to Section 5, Paragraph 6 of the Freedom of Information Act.

Contracts concluded by TUKE, which must be published in accordance with Section 5a of the Freedom of Information Act, are published in the Central Contract Register, maintained by the Government Office of the Slovak Republic.

Orders for goods and services, that TUKE is required to publish under Section 5b, Paragraph 1 of the Freedom of Information Act, and invoices for goods and services that TUKE is required to publish under Section 5b, Paragraph 2 of the Freedom of Information Act. Data under Section 5b, Paragraphs 1 and 2 are continuously published for five years from the date of their publication.

Price List for Long-Term Lease of Non-Residential Premises

To determine the rental price, it is necessary to first identify the category of the property. To determine the rental price, it is also necessary, based on the property category, to specify the purpose of the lease according to the annex of the Price List for Rent.

The rental price does not include costs associated with the consumption of utilities, which are determined individually for each case. 

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Letná 1/9, 042 00 Košice-Sever, Slovak Republic

Central office

055/602 1111

Rector's Office

055/602 2002

Billing information

IČO: 00 397 610 | DIČ: 2020486710 | VAT ID: SK2020486710

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